Tag: Technology

Which Apps to Keep?

If you had to delete all but five apps on your phone, which would you keep and why? An example of a possible answer:

Clean Up & Customize Facebook with Free Browser Extension

F.B. Purity Browser Extension F.B. Purity is a browser extension for Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera & Maxthon that allows you to clean up and customize Facebook. This browser extension works with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. What Does…

The Robot Revolution and Jobs: “Humans Need Not Apply” (video)

Can a Robot Do Your Job? It’s hard to grasp the scale of the robot revolution that is slowly eating away at the human workforce. A video by CGP Grey, a Youtube user who makes short explanatory videos, helps put things in perspective. This…

OneTab Extension for Google Chrome and Firefox

How the OneTab Extension Works Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab extension icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually…

GPS SmartSoles

This is a genius design. What an idea! This is great for not only for those with dementia problems, but for children. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that your kids made it to school and safely back home again?…

Train Yourself to Read Faster with Spritz

Social media and technology blogs are excited about latest, speed-reading technology called, Spritz. Spritz is a free application that makes it easy to train yourself to read faster and is a great way to engage with content in the digital age. Spritz manipulates…